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Public database for Belgian jurisprudence

The JUPORTAL system has been available since the end of 2017. It duplicates - in view of the introduction of ECLI in Belgium - the case law included in Jure-Juridat from the following courts and tribunals:

  • the Constitutional Court
  • the Court of Cassation,
  • the Courts of Appeal,
  • the Labour Courts,
  • the courts of first instance,
  • the company courts,
  • the labor courts,
  • and others.

The case law in JUPORTAL is consultable through the new JUPORTAL search engine which replaces the Jure-Juridat search engine since November 2020.

Type of contents: Case law, opinions and decisions.


  • For the Court of Cassation : published judgments
  • For the other databases : selection

Period covered: From 1958 to the present

Type of data: The judgments and decisions contain:

  • a brief overview ( key words, summary)
  • the integral text or abridged version for the older texts
  • various structured data ( legal basis, publication)

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